” Simplistically, for me, Adoration is Jesus and Mary. Adoration is kneeling or sitting at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him for the awesome opportunity to come before Him and worship and honor Him. Adoration is thanking our Dear Lord for giving His beautiful Mother to us at the foot of the cross as He was dying an agonizing death. Adoration is thanking our Blessed Mother for allowing us to be her sons and daughters. I keep a journal of the many “Lepantos” she has performed in my life. She truly is our amazing “Mother of Perpetual Help.” Adoration is praying the various type of rosaries:
- Gospel Mysteries, which are the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous. I am always reminded of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina saying that the rosary is our mightiest weapon.
- Dolors of Mary, which are her 7 sorrows – When I pray the Dolorosa rosary, it is as if I am walking with Mary as I reflect on the many sorrows that she experienced. Oh, what a strong woman she was, especially when she received her deceased Son in her arms after He was taken down from the cross and the crown of thorns was removed from His head and the nails were removed from His hands and feet. Our Lord truly was the “Suffering Servant” as Isaiah had prophesied in Isaiah 53. Our Blessed Mother was with her Son all the way and suffered tremendously as well, BUT her tears were turned to joy at her Son’s glorious resurrection as He faithfully fulfilled His promise that in 3 days He would rise from the dead.
- Divine Mercy Chaplet – When I pray this chaplet, I reflect on our Dear Lord’s Divine Love, Divine Mercy, and Divine Compassion.
- Chaplet of St. Michael – When I pray this chaplet, I reflect on the 9 Choirs of Angels as well as the leading Angels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, and my Guardian Angel. “Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.”
“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the enemies of the Holy Church and those recommended to Thee.”
~ Barb Bourbina