Signup Information

If you’re reading this page, then you are being called to visit Jesus. He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and He is drawing YOU into His presence.

With over 200 scheduled and substitute adorers, our adorer schedule is ever-changing.  These changes clearly demonstrate that Jesus is present and working in our lives as prayers are answered for new jobs, new family situations and new experiences. It is comforting to know our prayers are being heard by our loving Savior.

Allow Him to speak more clearly to you in a personal hour in His holy presence. Consider for a moment, how that commitment might impact your life and the lives of your family and friends. Your holy hour commitment will quickly become the most precious part of your week. You will look forward to the silence, the quiet meditation, and the gift of being in His presence here on earth. You don’t need to do anything special, just be truly present as He is.

To view open holy hours and co-adoring opportunities click the following:


To sign up to become an Adorer you can create your user profile by clicking the icon below.  Once you provide the requested information, a confirmation message will be sent to the email address you provided.  The confirmation will include a one-time link that you can use to log into the website.  We encourage you to do so as soon as possible in order to change your password, select an open holy hour and to set your notification preferences.  Click the following to create your profile:


To sign up for an open Holy Hour(1) or to become a co-adorer(2) at any holy hour, make your selection from the Schedule found under the open holy hours and co-adoring website listed above.

If you are interested in adoring at one of the open holy hours but not able to make a weekly commitment at this time, you may want to consider asking a friend to share this spiritual journey with you. Some of our adorers rotate weeks so their commitment is just twice per month.  You may also consider becoming an adoration substitute(3).  Any amount of time spent in adoration, even if it is only five minutes a week, will bring you closer to Jesus.

For assistance with special scheduling requirements, contact the Adoration Committee at  or 812-269-5333.

(1) Open Holy Hours – are opportunities for you to become a regularly scheduled adorer in a holy hour that is currently unscheduled/vacant. This means you arrive at your scheduled hour each week and stay the entire hour waiting for the next scheduled adorer to arrive so Jesus is never left alone. In many cases, you are the only person adoring at this time.

(2) Co-adorer Holy Hours – are opportunities for you to become a regularly scheduled adorer at a holy hour with another scheduled adorer. Being a co-adorer provides some additional flexibility if you have a need to skip adoration due to business travel, illness or other known but unpredictable conflicts. You are still on the weekly schedule but by working with your co-adorer you can plan to miss without needing to find a substitute to cover your holy hour. You can find these opportunities by going to the Schedule in the WeAdoreHim system and hovering over any blue time block.  If the holy hour is available for co-adoring, a “sign up” message will pop up.

(3) Substitute Adorer – We have a very active list of substitute adorers who serve as backups for weekly scheduled adorers who have an unexpected need to be away from adoration. Scheduled adorers can request a substitute adorer via the WeAdoreHim system. To become a substitute, follow the instructions, noted above, for becoming an adorer at St. Charles.  Once you have a WeAdoreHim account, you can add your availability information to your profile.